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Hello! I am thrilled about being a Wildcat, especially about teaching 9th grade English! With over 25 years of teaching experience in CMCSS, I can honestly say that I have treasured each year. I am honored also to teach the 9th-grade Business Academy students and take great pride in helping them become more confident in all areas of communication, especially in business situations.
Please know that I am focused on helping all of my students to reach academic success and will work hard to make learning applicable, meaningful, rigorous, and fun!
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Be sure to check Google Classroom every day, as most communication from me will be there.

Also, be sure to sign up for REMIND messages.  If you do not have a cell phone, please ensure parents sign up so you don't miss any important information and/or reminders I may need to send out to everyone.  Instructions on how to sign up for your specific class period will be located in Google Classroom.

I distribute a class syllabus and a letter to parents at the beginning of each school year.  Copies can be found in Google Classroom.  If you would like a copy, please just ask and I will be happy to send one via email. Important information can be found on the syllabus, for example, required supplies, expectations, classroom policies, 9-week breakdown, etc.

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