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Hello and Welcome to Algebra II!
The following materials are required for this class daily:
- Students will need a composition notebook specifically for Algebra II. I recommend the tape binding as it tends to last a little longer than the wire spirals.
- We will have a mix of written outlines and worksheets. These notes will help them study for the midterm and final exams.
- Our goal is not to write every single word from the textbook. Students will practice outlining notes and referencing the textbook to see specific problems.
- Math notes are required every day. Before I answer questions, we check our notes together.
- Students will be issued an Algebra II textbook!
- Students may want notebook paper to submit assignments without tearing pages from their notebooks daily.
- CMCSS issued laptop
- Pencils, Highlighters (2 or more colors), Expo Marker
- Eraser/whiteout
Check your tech DAILY. I recommend turning notifications on your Chrome browser or your cellphone for student emails and Google Classroom posts.
Respect: be respectful towards teachers/staff, classmates, and their belongings.
Responsible: take ownership and accountability for your actions and your learning
Kindness: treat everybody with kindness, empathy and respect
Engagement: participate in class by taking notes, working through practice problems, and engaging with teammates
Prepared: be on time, on task, and prepared to participate in class each day
Students are expected to use their CMCSS-issued laptops during class. If a student prefers their personal computer, they may use this at home when working on assignments. During the school day, I ask that students use their CMCSS-issued laptops and leave their personal computers/iPads in their backpacks.
Student grades can be found on PowerSchool.
All assignments can be found on Google Classroom.
Announcements can be found on Parent Square.