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I am an artist who loves to teach. I teach Art 1 and am the CHS National Art Honor Society chapter sponsor. Prior to becoming a teacher I was a free-lance mural painter for nearly 15 years. I also worked closely with adult artists with developmental disabilities at a non-profit art studio in Chicago. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my wife and five children, creating photo realism artworks, and playing the guitar.
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Purpose: Visual Art 1 is a course that provides an introduction to art through a variety of artistic media and art history. All coursework is designed to align with the TN Visual Art Standards. Students will learn how to apply the elements of art and principles of design to produce creative art works that reflect their understanding of these concepts and help them begin to discover their unique creative voice. All resources utilized for this course can be found here

Materials: All materials for this course are provided. However, you may wish to purchase your own so long as they are approved by Mr. Sharp. Students are REQUIRED to bring a pencil and their sketchbook DAILY. Do not doodle in your sketchbook. It is for classwork ONLY. 

Expectations: Students are expected to be respectful, responsible, and engaged for every class period. Again, students are REQUIRED to bring a pencil and their sketchbook DAILY. In doing so, students prove they are respectful toward the expectations, responsible for their own learning, and ready to be engaged for every class.

GET TO CLASS ON TIME: If you are on a late bus, you MUST have a pass or you will be marked tardy. If you are less than 10 minutes late with no pass you will receive a TU (tardy unexcused) If you are tardy MORE than ten minutes without a pass, you will receive a TA (Tardy Absent). On your 2nd tardy you will receive a parent phone call. On the 3rd tardy, you will receive a discipline referral. This is CMCSS policy and will be strictly followed. Students will NOT be permitted under any circumstance to go back to their vehicle to “get something” once school starts.

*******Cell-Phones: There are to be NO CELLPHONES, air-pods, head phones or earbuds used in my class, for any reason at any time. They are to be turned off and put away BEFORE entering my classroom. They are NOT to be out on your desk or in your lap. The school code of conduct will be strictly followed regarding cell phones. First offense is a parent contact, second offense and beyond is a referral. In case of an emergency, students can use my classroom phone or the front office. No cell phones allowed when requesting to use the bathroom/water. Phones are to be left in the basket on my desk.   

Dress Code: Keep hats/hoods, earbuds disconnected from your head and face. No sagging, and holes above knees. This is district policy.

Google Classroom: Each period will have its own Google classroom code once laptops are distributed. Google classroom will be used to submit daily work/projects, take quizzes, find class resources, etc.

Missing Late Work: I simply do not accept late work for full credit. If it is missing, I cannot grade what I do not have. Due dates are put in place for a reason. If you are going to be absent please let me know ASAP so appropriate arrangements can be made by emailing me at [email protected] Without an excused absence in PowerSchool or parent contact, I will deduct 10% off each day an assignment is handed in late up to 5 days. After 5 days it is a zero FOREVER.


A          4.0             90-100
B          3.0             80-90
C          2.0             70-80
D          1.0             60-70

  • “Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” – Andy Warhol

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