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Welcome to English class! Please make sure that you have added the appropriate Google Classroom for our class and you have the following materials ready for this school year:
- 1 1-subject notebook
- 1 pocket folder (if your notebook has a pocket folder built-in, that will work in place of a separate folder)
- headphones that work with your laptop
Also, a copy of the class syllabus can be found on the "Classwork" tab of your Google Classroom. While we will explore this in-depth during the first week of school, it's important that you are familiar with all of my classroom policies and procedures as outlined in the syllabus. If you have any questions or concerns, it is your responsibility to contact me to clarify.
This is going to be a wonderful school year full of exciting, engaging activities, and I look forward to seeing your success in English!
Parents: You have access to both my Google Classroom for your child's class, as well as the class Remind and ParentSquare for messaging. These are great tools for you to keep up-to-date with your child's academic progress in English class. I also send out messages on ParentSquare periodically with updates on upcoming due dates, classroom reminders, and other important information - please keep an eye out for these.
Our classroom is a collaborative learning environment where respect and effort are the most important requirements. We accomplish this through the following classroom expectations:
- Be on time
- Be prepared
- Be respectful
- Be engaged
- Be ready to learn