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Chemistry begins in the stars. The stars are the source of the chemical elements, which are the building blocks of matter and the core of our subject. (Peter Atkins)
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Honors Chemistry  Google Classroom Code eftc4v3

Chemistry Google Classroom Code  i4asygd

Unit 1  Chemical Foundations

Unit 2   Gas Laws

Unit 3  Energy

Unit 4  Atomic Structure and Nuclear

Unit 5  Periodic Trends

Unit 6  Bonding

Unit 7  Reactions

Unit 8   Stoichiometry

Unit 9  Solutions, Acids and Bases


  1. Student-Student and Teacher-Student. Get to know about interests and talents. Model good habits and mentor each other.
  2. Work is relevant.  Learning contributes to community and to the world.
  3. Learn at your own pace by getting extra help and using website tutorials. Learn topics deep as well as broad.
  4. Learn things in an order that fits your learning style by asking for help.
  5. Take opportunities to explore and make mistakes and learn from them, without being branded as a failure. Tinker and make guesses.
  6. Engage in deep and sustained practice of those skills we need to learn. Use time wisely.
  7. Ask for real choices about what, when, and how to learn and demonstrate your abilities.
  8. Let’s address high and meaningful standards of excellence.
  9. Learning opportunities to apply what I’m learning in real world settings.
  10. Most importantly, be happy. Enjoy the “best four years of your life!”

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