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Special Populations Science Teacher
Athletic Trainer
I have been working at CHS since 1985 as a Special Education teacher and Athletic Trainer. I graduated from UT- Chattanooga and Austin Peay State University. Watching the students enjoy learning is what motivates me.
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1st period- Biology A- Room B114

2nd period- Biology A- Room B114

3rd period- Inclusion Biology- A306

4th period- Biology B- Room B114

5th period- Biology B- Room B114

6th period- Inclusion Biology- Room A306

7th- Planning

Enjoy Science- take ownership of your learning.


  1. Follow all board policies
  2. Be engaged in learning
  3. Do not distract the learning process.

A and B- papers are kept in the students folders- all missing assignments will be placed in these folders. 



Classroom Books