Latest Stories
February 1st, 2022Family Life Curriculum Development Process Public Meetings
CMCSS is inviting all stakeholders to engage in the Family Life Curriculum development process by participating in one of the upcoming public meetings.
Pre-Practical Nursing Program Currently Scheduling Student Interviews
The Early Technical College at TCAT is now accepting applications for the second round of applications for students interested in Pre-Practical Nursing.
Accessing Student Report Cards – January 2022
Families can now access their student’s report card for the second nine weeks.
Handle with Care
Local first responder agencies are partnering with CMCSS to implement the national Handle with Care program in Clarksville-Montgomery County.
CMCSS Seeks Community Feedback Regarding District-Wide Rezoning
The Clarksville-Montgomery County School Board heard on first reading the recommendation that changes be made to the middle and high school zone lines for the 2022-2023 school year.
2022-23 Application Period for Schools & Programs of Choice
Learn more about the innovative programs and schools of choice available to CMCSS families.
Available Scholarships
Click on the link for scholarship opportunities.
Social Media and School Safety Concerns
Across the nation, schools are observing an increase in concerning student behaviors that are linked to social media, especially the app TikTok.
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CMCSS 2021-2022 In-Person Learning Health and Safety Overview
The district’s CDT team has released the health and safety protocols for summer programs and the 2021-2022 school year based on updated guidance, recommendations, research, and requirements.